Tag Archives: Leonard Maltin

Nr 463: The First Nudie Musical (1976)

16 Jan

The First Nudie Musical (movie)
Screenplay, Music & Lyrics: Bruce Kimmel

Gotta sing, Gotta dance
While I’m Taking of my pants

The son of an almost famous studio owner is forced to make porno films to keep the bankrupt studio from being made into a shopping center. The films have titels like Teenage Sexmutants and Stewardesses in Cages. But lately these films have started to flop. In an attempt to get back on the high ground he decides to make a new kind of porno, a musical comedy porno. He makes a bet with the debtors who wish to take ownership of the studio, that if they finance the musical and he can’t complete it within two weeks, they can foreclose.
Ribald humor, bawdy songs and plenty of skin abounds in this sophomoric satire that while unabashedly trashy, has developed a bit of a cult following.

I found the films soundtrack album in a record store in Sweden when I was a teenager and I found it deliciously smutty. I loved going around town and with a loud voice sing the songs in the hope that I would shock people. But it was the seventies so people, at least in Sweden, weren’t that easily shocked about sexual stuff. I was a bit disappointed, I mean there I was singing about Dancing Dildos, cunnilingus and Orgasms and people just thought it cute or absolutely normal… Ah, the seventies…
I loved the songs then and I still do. But I didn’t actually get a chance to see the film itself until it came out on DVD in the early noughties. I have just revisited it so it would be fresh in my mind for this blog and I can tell you that it still holds up pretty well. Some of the physical comedy feels a little forced and dated, but the dialogue is still funny and had me laughing out loud quite a few times and some of the show numbers are pure delights. It’s pretty crude and has a low-budget feel with a ”musical-within-a-movie” theme, but with satirical sexual humor and if you like that kind of thing (and I do), it’s definitely worth seeking out!
They’ve added a very funny hour long retrospective documentary as a bonus on the DVD.

The budget for the picture was $125 000. It got picked up by Paramount Pictures for distribution. But when the studio saw the finished product they thought it dragged a bit in the middle and they asked Bruce to shoot some new scenes. So he came up with the Dancing Dildos number. The studio asked ”Are there nude girls in the number?” ”Yes”, he answered and they gave him $75 000 just to shoot that scene!

There are som great future stars in this movie:
Cindy Williams who already had a nice little movie career going on, got her big break through on tv the same year the film premiered in the tv-series Laverne & Shirley. She played Shirley for 8 seasons. Laverne & Shirley was a spin-off of the sitcom Happy Days (1974-84).
Future director Ron Howard was the star of Happy Days and he did a cameo in this movie.
Cindy and Ron also played girlfriend and boyfriend in the George Lucas film American Graffiti (1973).
Diana Canova went on to play Corinne Tate in the sitcom Soap (Lödder in Sweden).
And director, actor, author, composer and lyric writer Bruce Kimmel has starred in and directed a lot of films and tv-series. He has also written plays and musicals (among them The Brain from Planet X, which you can find on this blogg, it’s nr 200). From 1988 to 1993, Kimmel co-owned the specialty label, Bay Cities, releasing over 100 albums that included American classical music, cast albums, and soundtracks. In 1993, Kimmel became a full time record producer with his own division at Varese Sarabande, producing many cast albums (Broadway and off-Broadway), Broadway singers, and musical theater concept albums, first for the Varese Sarabande, and then for a company he founded, Fynsworth Alley. His current label Kritzerland has issued close to 400 albums including cast albums, singers, and a series of reissues of limited edition soundtracks.

The film actually got some great reviews and became a minor hit. The first week of its wide release, it was the fourth highest-grossing picture in the country, behind Star Wars, You Light Up My Life, and The Spy Who Loved Me.

The actual first nudie musical is considered to be the 1963 nudie-cutie Goldilocks and the Three Bares (1963)

Chockful of youthful talent, well spiced by outrageousness and sparked by invention. The three stars are simply irresistible. Cindy Williams is enchanting, Kimmel is the ultimate appealing schnook. Fresh and funny and funky. Made for about 1 percent of the budget of New York, New York, but a hundred times funnier and more perceptive. It’s the Star Wars of nudie musicals.
– Judith Crist, New York Post

More vitality, imagination, zany comedy and stellar performances than most movies. It’s one of the most memorable movies of this year. A raunchy delight. Cindy Williams is a marvel! Kimmel is a joy to watch!
– Joseph Gelmiş, Newsday

A Mel Brooksian salute to porno chic.
– Bruce Williamson, Playboy

Silly, sophomoric, at times downright inept, this little low-budget venture picked up by Paramount is more often than not hilarious, offering good, tonic laughter to those not offended by nudity and blunt language.
– Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times

Basically a one-joke idea that wears thin despite an air of amiability.
– Leonard Maltin’s Film Guide (two stars out of four)

A few clever bits are downed in a larger sea of silliness, forced gags and predictable cliche.
– Arthur D Murphy, Variety

C’mon Honey
The Red Band Trailer
Audition scene
A ”naked” tv-review of the movie from 1976

Nr 457: Reefer Madness! (1998)

6 Jun

Reefer Madness!
1998: Los Angeles
2001: Off-Broadway
2005: Tv-version
2009: London

Music: Dan Studney
Lyrics: Kevin Murphy
Book: Kevin Murphy based on the 1936 film Reefer Madness

Creeping like a communist it’s knocking at our doors
Turning all our children into hooligans and whores
Voraciously devouring the way things are today
Savagely deflowering the good ol’ USA
It’s… Reefer madness! Reefer madness!

As the play opens, an evangelical lecturer addresses an audience which is supposedly composed of concerned parents. His goal is to warn them of a new menace that is sweeping the nation, a leafy green assassin ready to ensnare and seduce the youth and drag them down into a life of sin: marijuana.
He starts to tell the true story of the Harper Affair: 15 year old Jimmy Harper, was a fine, upstanding, clean-cut, All-American boy whose life fell apart because of the evil reefer. Jimmy was a good kid, with a bright future ahead of him. He had a sweetheart whom he loved, the wholesome and sweet Mary Lane. But when Jimmy is tricked into taking his first puff of reefer, his life quickly spirals downward. He begins to neglect his family, his schoolwork, even Mary, in order to spend all his time smoking at the Reefer Den. His addiction leads him to evil jazz music, dance, debauchery, sin, theft, violence and, eventually, murder. Along the way he also meets Jesus, the devil, some zombies, a cannibalistic, constant giggling manic dope fiend, an angel, some overly friendly inmates at the local penetentuary who just want to take a shower with him and a surprise visit from president Franklin D. Roosevelt…
On top of all that he also finds time to recite a little Shakespeare!
What’s not to like?
It’s a musical filled with camp, hilarity, mayhem, and madness.

Detta är en riktigt underhållande och grymt kul musikal med smittande musik. Jag är oerhört förtjust i den och har lite svårt att fatta att den inte har blivit kult. När den spelades i Los Angeles i originaluppsättningen så blev det lite ”Rocky Horror” varning på den för folk såg föreställningen om och om igen och klädde ut sig till sina favvofigurer och lärde sig replikerna etc. 
Men i New York så las den ner rätt fort och filmversionen är nog relativt bortglömd. Men om ni kan hitta DVDn så köp den direkt. Ni får en galen musikal med stora shownummer, catchiga låtar, absurd och garanterat icke-PK handling, ”over the top” skådespeleri från väldigt bra skådisar, lite sex, lite våld och ni får, som bonus, även originalfilmen från 1936 som musikalen är baserad på. 

Musiken är en blandning av rock, swing, jazz, gospell och musikalpasticher. Det finns några stora skillnader mellan scenversionens musik och den i filmen, man bytte bl a ut några sånger och skrev om andra. Men jag gillar bägge versionerna.

The film from 1936 was originally made as Tell Your Children and sometimes titled as The Burning Question, Dope Addict, Doped Youth, and Love Madness but is best known as Reefer Madness.

Originally the film was produced as a warning to parents about the use of cannabis, the film was later recut by Dwain Esper and gained notoriety as an education-exploitation film, the typically low-budget genre known for excessively hyping trends and news through lurid and trashy scenes intended to be more entertaining than enlightening. Over the years, some of these films have been artistic or revolutionary enough to become culturally significant, such as Night of the Living Dead. However, Reefer Madness has been declared the worst film ever made; Leonard Maltin gave it zero out of four stars, calling it “the granddaddy of all ‘worst’ movies.”

Christian Campbell som spelar Jimmy i filmen spelade samma roll redan i originaluppsättningen i Los Angeles.
Han är storebror till Neve Campbell som spelade huvudrollen i alla 4 Screamfilmerna. Hon är också med i denna musikalfilm. Man tyckte det var så kul att kunna ha med bägge syskonen i filmen att man skrev om en av rollerna så man kunde casta henne i den. 

Trailer for the original 1936 Reefer Madness film.
Trailer for the movie musical Reefer Madness from 2005
Title song with Alan Cumming
Little Mary Sunshine with Kristen Bell
Listen To Jesus Jimmy
Jimmy Takes a Hit/The Orgy
The Truth – Finale

613FJJnJjfL._AC_  ny_ad_color Reefer_Madness_(1936)